The Semi-Independent Living (SIL) program provides participants with individualized mental health support, and, as an incentive to work on their own wellness, each person in the SIL program also receives a monthly subsidy payment. While the subsidy payment amounts vary in each community, the average monthly benefit is $225.
To be connected to the SIL program, clinicians must first refer their client to our ACLS (Assisted Community Living Support) program. An individual service plan is then developed and agreed upon by the ACLS staff, the client, and the mental health clinician. This plan provides the direction and framework for the ACLS staff and the client to work together in specific areas, allowing them to make progress toward achieving the goals and outcomes the client has prioritized.
While some clients may need support for a longer period of time if their progress is impeded by significant challenges or barriers, SIL is not intended for long-term use. Ideally, a person will only be in the program for a limited time. In order to be eligible for the SIL program, a person must be:
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Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness is a non-profit organization that focuses on healthy living by providing rehabilitation and recovery-based programs and services designed to support anyone living with a severe and persistent mental illness.