Clubhouse Principles

Time Tested and Trusted Principles
that Guide Everything We Do at Our Clubhouses.

At Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness, we follow a series of principles that we have put in place to guide everything we do at our clubhouses in order to create a safe and inviting space for our members.

Our Principals:

  1. All services must:
    • Inspire growth and hope.
    • Recognize and respect people with mental illnesses as citizens with a wide range of capacities and talents.
    • Always move forward in partnership with members as the expert in their own recovery journey.
  2. All services use recovery based principles.
  3. The clubhouse will adopt the Recovery Centred Clinical System as a model for support.
  4. Services will result in real and positive change in people’s lives at their own pace.
  5. All services will have the goal of community integration, obtained by using mainstream community services and building natural supports.
  6. Services will be:
    • Age specific as needed.
    • Culturally sensitive.
    • Inclusive of families and/or supports.
    • Reflective of the range of recovery.
  7. Services will be supportive of people’s health and happiness.
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