
We Offer a Range of Resources
Designed to Help Make Your Life Easier.

Abby House Resources

  • Supplies available at the clubhouse—Naloxone kits, male/female condoms, and feminine hygiene products.
  • Food security—If you are in need of food, please connect with us. We can help.
  • One-on-one computer support—Please contact the staff to schedule one-on-one computer support or to use one of our computers for job/housing search or personal connections/interests.
  • Naloxone and overdose prevention information—Please connect with staff if you are interested in Naloxone training or would like information on overdose prevention. We have Naloxone take home kits available.
  • Community resources—If you would like support finding resources that are not offered at Abby House, please connect with staff. We would be happy to help you find the community resource that will fit your needs.

Cheamview Clubhouse Resources

  • Naloxone—Please connect with us if you are interested in Naloxone training or are in need of a Naloxone kit.
  • Supplies available at the clubhouse—Naloxone kits, feminine hygiene products (including pads, tampons, and liners), and hand soap.
  • One-on-one computer support or usage—Please contact the clubhouse to schedule one-on-one computer support or to use one of our computers for job/housing search or for personal connections/interests.
  • Community advocate—A community advocate from Sources will be at the clubhouse on the last Thursday of every month to support you with disability, pension, tenancy and housing, and other types of income. Please connect with clubhouse staff to book a meeting time. Appointments can be made for any time between 9:30am and 3pm.
  • Pre-employment services: Staff are available for one-on-one employment support every day during regular hours. Connect with staff to schedule a time to build a resume, create an Indeed account, learn about other employment resources, or support with applying for school.

Helpful Website Links

Below are links to sites you may want to visit

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