Affordable Housing Projects

Providing Affordable Permanent Housing
Solutions to Mental Health Clients.

Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness is proud to provide permanent affordable housing to mental health clients who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Our two housing facilities in Abbotsford and Chilliwack provide a safe and comfortable space where people can live independently while still being actively connected to mental health services.

In order to be eligible for the Affordable Housing Projects program, as person must:

  • Be currently and actively connected with mental health support in Chilliwack or Abbotsford
  • Be homeless or at risk of homelessness
  • Have a successful history of living independently
  • Make less than the BC house income limits

The Village

The Village was built in 2011 by BC Housing as part of the governments third phase initiative to end homelessness by increasing the availability of affordable housing throughout the province. While the building is operated and maintained by Chilliwack Community Services, Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness partners with them on this project, and we are the landlord for the 22 units on the third and fourth floors. All of the tenants selected to live at The Village were homeless or at risk of being homeless, live with a severe and persistent mental illness, have experience living independently, and are currently and actively connected with mental health services.

The Village via Chilliwack Community Services also provides two-year transitional housing for 11 youth who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. All youth living at The Village are connected to the Chilliwack Community Services Youth Support program to assist them in preparing for adulthood.

Onsite support is available to all Village residents 24/7.

Nelson Place

Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness owns Nelson Place, an 8-unit apartment building in Abbotsford that provides affordable housing to mental health clients. Tenants living at Nelson Place must be able to live independently without requiring regular support or interventions as there is no staff support onsite.

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