Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

The intention of this website is to provide information and educate the public about Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness and the programs offered through our organization.

The information provided on this website by Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness is not intended to provide medical advice to any viewers, but rather offers information and alternative ways to learn about mental health and support within the community.

Any person looking for professional medical advice should seek help from a certified medical professional.

Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness will not be liable for any losses that may occur from the information on this website.

Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness expresses importance in the confidentiality of information related to client records, personnel information, and business of Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness, and shall not unless authorized by the Executive Director of the Board of Directors.

Any Board Member, Employee, Practicum Student, or Volunteer who disregards the confidentiality agreement is subject to disciplinary action and/or termination.